Dear Scottie:


Scottie Says


I've been having intercourse now for about a year. Although at first I was bleeding, there haven't been any physical symtoms since. Is there any possibility I could be hurting my insides?

Dear J.Z.:


If we look at anal intercourse from a strictly medical perspective, we would have to conclude that the anus is not designed for intercourse. Let's face it. The average penis is substantially wider than the average turd. Some physicians claim that prolonged exposure to anal intercourse can cause hemmorhoids and there is a less likely, but still possible risk of damaging the sphincter muscle tone which could result in fecal incontinence (the inability to hold your shit in).

Because the anal tissues are very tender and soft, it is suggested that entry be gentle rather than forceful. Frankly, there are many gays who have had anal intercourse

over a

ever showing the above symptoms.

If you're willing to take the risks and sense no internal damage (a periodic medical check might relieve your anxiety), then continue to do what pleases you. After all, we're faced with some risk in every behaviorial choice we make.

Dear Scottie:

Why is it that when you show your feelings toward certain people, they immediately get turned off? I've been seeing this guy off and on for a few months now. When I don't let my feelings come out and act as if I couldn't care less, he 's fantastic. When I show him I care, he's completely different. What can I do?

Dear Stan: Many


people are ap-

prenhensive about commitment or intimacy. Casual relathreat tionships represent no to their status and thus represent security for them.

Of course, you must be also willing to accept the possibility that your friend is simply not interested in any deep relationship with you.

Open and honest feelings form the basis of any good relationship. Level with your friend about your (his) dilemma, and then decide which is more important to you him or expressing your feelings. You might not be able to have both.


Got a question? Whether personal, medical, legal, or other, I'll try to help. Write Scottie Says High Gear, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.

Page 19

The Last Word

The National Word Usage Commission met in Cleveland last month, and as part of its annual resolutions the Commission decided to eliminate the word "tacky" from the English language effective Midnight, Dec. 31, 1975. A!! persons are instructed not to use this word that date, whereupon a new word will be chosen to replace "tacky" in 1976.

As this issue went to press the new word had not yet been selected and the Commission: was still in deliberation over the new word. In an exclusive interview with our staff, the chairperson of the Commission, Webster Knowsall told us, "We find that the tacky use of the word tacky to be very tacky, and we hope people will tack on another word to their vocabulary such as gummy." So our staff wishes you a ticky tacky gummy New Year!

lengthy period of time without попоповопопопопопоповопопоповопоповопоповопопопопопепонопопоповопопов опопенопоповонопенопоповопопоповопопоповопоповог



Gay and Want to Be A Fed?


to internalized by-laws of government agencies, if the FBI discovers anything about you that is "infamous, dishonest, immoral, or of notoriously disgraceful conduct" you may be bounced out of or denied a job for sharing a bed with a friend.

American Civil Liberties Union lawyers report increasing contacts by federal workers who have been pressured into resignation, fired, or denied jobs because they are cohabiting with a person of the same or opposite sex, have engaged in premarital sex, or extramartial sex. Said an FBI spokesman in the

Washington Star: "If a male employee is a homosexual and it affects his work or if he starts bothering other men in the office, that's a serious matter and we have a duty to release that person from our employ -or not employ him in the first place."

Case in point: Two CIA employees who claim their phones were tapped, say they were "leaned on" and "pressures" by supervisors who told them to leave the organization after their conversations revealed they were gay.

The two considered filing suit, but rather than face the expense and publicity, both resigned.

Victims of government con-

George and Walt of The Alpine

duct codes say their First Amendment rights have been abused, their morality unfairly judged, and their livelihood and professional ambitions jeopardized.

Still the government evidently believes it is their right to judge the sexual preferences and moral conduct of its employees and potential workers.

As a matter of fact, some government agency officials say the judgment on sexual attitudes and actions which has led to numerous layoffs and court cases some with eventual reinstatements is "more of a public obligation than a constitutional right."


Need to relax?

New to get high?





group workshops/individual training and counseling

For the Gay Community




The Free Clinic, 12201 Euclid

(across From the 120th Rapid Station) Individual Counseling Thursdays 6-10 pm call 721-4010 For Information



121 Pine S.E.

Warren, Ohio

Phone 399-7066



6 AM to 2:30 AM



Happy New Year

from the Management and Staff

of the
